“Manage” Section
The project coordinators click on the “Manage” button and MEL directs to a new page. On the left, there is a list of components that are possible to manage. On the right of each section, in the brackets it is indicated if the section is required to fill, optional to fill, or automatically filled by the system:
Summary (Automatic)
Partners (Required)
Work packages (Required)
Milestones (Required)
Capacity Development & Knowledge Sharing Activity (Optional)
Research Team (Automatic)
Outcomes and Impact (Optional)
Risks (Required)
Impact Pathway/PERT Chart (Optional)
Donor Reports
Roadmap (Automatic)
Budget (Required)
Manage project website scientist
The indicator within the brackets “Automatic” means that this section takes information automatically from MEL and there is no need to fill in any information in this section. The indicator within the brackets “Required” means that this section is mandatory to be filled. The indicator “Optional” means that filling this section is not mandatory but optional.