Adding and Editing Images for “About Us” section
The platform also allows to add multiple images from the Project under “About Us” section. In order to do so the project manager/co-manager needs to perform the following steps:
Click on “Edit” button to reach the “Edit” section as shown on Fig 4.
Scroll down to the Header images section and Click on icon to add another header image (Fig. 24)
The system will create a blank image, proceed to “Select from Media Library”
It is possible to add multiple images to be displayed on the Project page.
Please note that you should click on “Save” button in the “Edit>Media” section for the images to be reflected to “Edit Web View” section.
The three-dot symbol on the left side of the images allows to adjust the representation of the added images.
Show/hide button (1) displays/hides images.
Change grid size button (2) The function lets the user choose how many grids to show the images. The user can pick 2, 3 or 4 grids.
Drag & drop to change order button (3) changes the whole section with the images within the main section.
Restore default settings button (4) cancels the previous actions and returns the grid number to 4.