Report a bug
Sometimes the user may face some issues while working, such as system malfunctioning due to some sort of bug. To report such issues, click on “Report a bug” icon.
A popup window will open asking whether you want to report a bug with a screen shot of your current page or no. Click “Yes” if your current page is the same page which has the issue. If not, click “No”. The whole process will take about 15 seconds.
In both cases the system will direct you to the “Report an issue in MEL” page (1), where you should provide the following information:
- The title of the issue (2).
- Under the section “Give further information about the issue” (3), describe the issue by using the editor section (4).
- Click on “Submit Issue” (5) to send the message to Github where Mel administrators work in coordination with the programmers to fix any problems may occur in MEL.
Your user ID will be registered in the sent message to allow MEL administrators/programmers to contact you for further information if needed and/or to inform you once the problem is solved.