General Information
In this section, it is possible to make changes to the project name. In the “Project Name” box, please indicate the project name in the official agreement. It is also possible to add the Implementer (Coordinating Body) of the project, project manager, co-manager (co-coordinator. This information will then be mirrored in the reporting section. Below, the period of the Implementation can be edited. In case the project has an ID number in PRIMA different from the ID that MEL assigned, this PRIMA ID number can be written in the “Donor Agreement ID” box.
Screenshot 13: General Information section under project editing process
In case of a project extension, click the relevant button and you will be asked to enter the extended date. It is possible to then upload the amendment request under key documents.
Here, the form also asks to enter the project section (section 1 or 2), type of action and the funding cycle.
Screenshot 14: The “General Information” form asks to enter the project section (section 1 or 2), type of action and the funding cycle
The last part of the page asks about the themes and priorities of the project.
Select the relevant theme and priority from the drop-down menu and to continue to the next page, please click on “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the page.