Activity/Product See/Upload Files
Activity/Product See/Upload Files
Click on “See/Upload file” (c) to see all the files uploaded under a specific activity/product or upload new files.
The Edit/Upload Files or Links will open:
Add New (1): To add a new file or link.
List of files uploaded (2): Displays a list of uploaded files if any.
Add New:
To add a new file, click on “Add New” (1).
In the Add New File/Link page:
- Add the file/link title (1).
- Write small description (2).
- Specify whether the file is an Activity/Product Files Report? (3) if it is an Activity/Product Files Report another line will open. Specify the start and End date of the Activity/Product Report (a)
- Specify the type of the uploaded product (4). If it is “Related File” (b) or “Related Link” (c).
- Click on “Select Report file” (5) to upload the file/link. For more details see report deliverables.
- Once done click on “Save”/ “close” (6).
, multiple selections available,