Activity/Product See Indicators

Click on “See Indicators” (d) to see all the indicators related to a specific activity/product.

Indicators can be assigned to anyone in CRP and Projects. The see indicator brings you to a page where you have all in one from all levels where you may have been tagged as indicator responsible.

Outcome & Indicators page will open with list of indicators displayed (1). Each Indicator has the following information:

  • CRP/Center (a): It displays the indicators’ related CRP or Center.
  • Project/FP-CoA (b): It displays the indicator’s related project, Flagship (FP) or Flagship cluster (FP-CoA).
  • Code (c): It displays the outcomes codes for example, development outcomes (DO).
  • Outcome Statement (d): It displays the outcome title.
  • Indicator (e): It displays the indicator type.
  • Unit (f): It displays the indicator unit.
  • Actions (g): It displays indicator’s value and narrative.