Add Project Output Deliverable

Add Project Output Deliverable

Note that only the Project Managers and Co-Managers, Output Responsible and Co-Responsible, and Output Collaborating Scientists may add a deliverable.

As a first step to add a new deliverable, click on the “Deliverables” box of a specific output under the “Actions” column of the output table (2.5).

A new window will open (2.5). Click on the “Add New” button on the top left corner of the window (2.5.1).

Another window will subsequently open (2.5.1) and it will be possible to fill-in the following data under the “Information" (a) section:

  • Title* (a.1): the title of the deliverable, which should reflect its focus or subject. Note that at the planning stage the title does not need to be the final one, as it will most probably be decided once the deliverable has been completed.
  • Description (a.2): this field gives the option to add further information or details on the deliverable.
  • Delivery Date* (a.3): as per agreed Work Plan. The delivery date should reflect the reporting requirements and it might include not only final versions of the documents but also drafts, especially for internal reporting purposes.
  • Assign Deliverable To* (a.4): select the responsible person for the deliverable among the list of possible users. Note that the user(s) appearing in the drop-down list depend in turn on the user(s) added as Output Responsible, Co-Responsible or Collaborating Scientists when creating a new output. This information can be changed by clicking on the "Edit" box under the “Actions” column of the Output table "Outputs Edit".  The person assigned with the responsibility for a deliverable will be accountable to fulfill the reporting as per requirement and the deliverable will appear in their profile homepage.
  • Commodities (a.5): is referred to the crop(s) and/or livestock to which the deliverable is focused on. They will appear in the drop-down list and multiple choices can be selected.
  • Countries* (a.6): where geographically the deliverable focuses on. More than one country can be selected.
  • Funding Source (a.7): is referred to where the resources for the deliverable are originated.
  • Distribution Channel (a.8): for instance, In-House (published on institutional website), Open Access, Restricted Access, Not Distributed.
  • Result Type* (a.10): refers to the typology of deliverable that will be produced. There are many available options and by hovering over these options, it is possible to visualise their definition from the Glossary. If the type of the deliverable is not on the list, select “Other”.

In the case the deliverable is a Journal Article another field will be shown in this window:

  • Indexed* (a.9): the user will have to choose between two options, ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) or Non-ISI.

To fill-in the information referred to the "CRP mapping" (b) visit the page “Add New Outputs”.

Once completed, click on "Save Changes".

Remember that all the fields with asterisk are mandatory.

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