Intellectual Property Rights Resulting from the Project

This section enables selecting between the following IP Rights: Patent, Trademark, Registered Design, Utility Model, Varieties and Others. MEL also requires to select the reference serial number, date of application, the official title of the application, the applicants, and if the IPR protection has been awarded or not. Depending on the IPR type selected, the additional required fields will change. For example, if the IPR is selected as a patent, an additional field appears that asks for the type of filling with the options to select “international” or “national”. If “international” is selected, MEL asks for the reference organization, while if “national” is selected, MEL asks the reference country. For the rest of the IP rights, MEL asks either the reference country or the reference organization.

 Screenshot 84: Intellectual Property Rights Resulting from the Project tab in “Reporting” Section