Innovation reporting module

Innovation reporting module

The “Innovation report” section provides the user with a form to capture the key achievements in terms of design and development of innovations.

The CGIAR guidance documents (CGIAR Indicator #C1: Number of Innovations) define an innovation as: a new or significantly improved output or group of outputs - including management practices, knowledge or technologies. Innovation may also refer to a significant research finding, method or tool. A significant improvement is one that allows the management practice, knowledge or technology to serve a new purpose or a new class of users to employ it, for example a new variety, a blend of fertilizer for a particular soil type, or a tool modified to suit a particular management practice.

Only Cluster leaders, Program Management Officers and CRP Admin, have the right to create new “Innovation reports”. Once created, an innovation report can be assigned to any other user. The user that has been assigned as reporting staff for a particular innovation report will have access to it and will be able to create new reports for the same innovation. Only one report per year can be created.


To create a new “Innovation report”, the Cluster leaders, Program Management Officers and CRP Admins have to go to their CRP Reporting dashboard. And select the CRP sub-menu or the CRP-PMO sub-menu in case they are Program Management Officers.

On the Reporting dashboard, the user has to click on the button “New Innovation” to create the report.


An empty “Innovation report” will appear in a new page.

The user will provide information following the structure of the form.

In the first section, the innovation has to be described and the basic information provided.

In the second section, the stage of the development will be characterized and the organizations contributing to the results reached listed.

In the third section, the list of evidence supporting the description of the stage reached will be presented.

Here the user can add in the list of evidence one or more of the deliverables already reported in MEL. To do so, the user clicks on the button “Select reported evidence”.

A modal will appear. The user can indicate under which CRP, Flagship project, Cluster of Activities, Activity or specific project the evidence has been reported. This will reduce the number of reported files appearing in the modal once the user clicks on the “Search evidence” button.

Typing key words in the search box will make easy to find the evidence searched.

The screenshot below shows the example of a user that found the evidence by specifying the CRP Activity under which the deliverable was reported and by typing key words in the search box.

Once the user had identified the evidence to add, he has to click on the check box on the right side of the table. The user may click on the check box of more than one evidence and add them all in the list by clicking on the “Select Evidence” button.

The user may also add publications not reported in MEL as evidence. To do so he will have to indicate the Citation and provide an hyperlink.


In the next sections, the user complete the information on the CRP under which the innovation is mapped and the list of additional partners contributing to the innovation.

If the list of evidence contains deliverables selected from MEL, the user may retrieve the CRP mapping directly from the one recorded for these deliverables.

Also, it is to note that the organizations of the authors and co-authors of the selected deliverables will be automatically added in the list of partners.

In the last section, the user indicates the geographical scope of the innovation.

Finally, the user can save the report as draft and finalize it later or submit the report for approval once the report is completed.

Submitted innovations follow the approval workflow described here.


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